Sunday, November 15, 2020

Preschool Theme: Weather

 We spent two weeks doing fun, hands-on weather activities! Please pardon my brief descriptions! I've fallen weeks behind on blogging, and am trying to catch up quickly as we prepare for a MONTH of Christmas activities!


Yarn Lightning
Inspired by Planning Playtime.

She just loves cutting yarn, so the pieces got smaller as we went along lol.

Tracing Pages
Free printables from Yes We Made This.

Sorting Snowflakes

Then after she was done I asked questions to help build her vocabulary. Which snowflakes are the biggest? Smallest? Which has the most snowflakes? Least? Etc.

Graphing Weather
Free printable from TotSchooling.

Learning Lowercase r - Notebook

Froot Loop Rainbow Craft

Super cute!!

Raindrop Fingerprints
Counting practice!

Sunshine Craft - Cutting and Gluing Independently

Cloud Sensory Writing
Inspired by Turner Tots.

Learning Notebook - Beginning Sounds and Stamping

Learning Notebook - Visual Discrimination
Matching rainbow patterns.

Learning Notebook - Sorting Summer/Winter Clothes

Shape Clouds
Inspired by Planning Playtime. Free printable cloud shapes from Teachers Pay Teachers.

Raincloud Experiment
Classic rain experiment using water and shaving cream. Great fine motor and science activity!