Theme of the Day: The Letter B
Age: 20 months
Magnetic Pom Poms
As with last week, I printed the Do-A-Dot pages from this site, and created my own for the actual upper and lowercase B. Perhaps I need to bring this activity out less often, because she didn't take much interest in it this time, having seen it for the letter and number days last week. She did point out the bear and butterfly, so I continued with a verbal list of "B" words. She repeated them, but it'll be a long time before she contributes her own I'm sure!
Leap Frog Fridge Phonics and Which is B?
I had brought out Honey Pot's fridge magnet B, so she could hear its sounds. She ended up bringing more letters over afterward, so I made a "Which is B" game out of it. She was very good at spotting the "B" among groups of three letters. We also reviewed the letter "A" from last week. Eventually, Honey Pot started pointing out some of the other letters she knew too, such as "O" and "M."
B is for Bike, B is for Blue
I have no pictures, but the unseasonably warm weather prompted us to get outside and moving. Under the guise of "Guess what else starts with B?" I brought Honey Pot out for a ride on her bike. Once she was "all done" we dropped the bike off in the driveway and went for a long walk. She just loves being outside! I spotted an opportunity and said, "I spy with my little eye something blue. Do you see something blue?" She quickly caught on, pointed out a blue sign, and asked for another one. So we continued this game as long as we could.
B is for Buttons Craft
Honey Pot loves to use glue! And she is always quick to point out the buttons on our shirts too. So when I saw this craft, I had to let her try it today. She really seemed to enjoy squeezing the glue out and placing the buttons on, however haphazardly. :)

Play-dough B
We revisited this activity from last week, using a letter B cookie cutter. She loves to play with her Kool-Aid play-dough, and had just as much fun with it.
B is for Bus Craft
I found this idea on Pinterest - you can see the original link here. Honey Pot loves to point out school buses while we are driving, so I thought it would make a nice craft for today. She seemed to have lots of fun with it too. I squeezed the glue out for the wheels, but let her take full reign after that. We read "The Wheels on the Bus" afterward!