Theme: The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Seuss
This month the Virtual Book Club is featuring Dr. Seuss! We
decided to choose one of our current favorites—a classic—The Cat in the Hat.
We had so much fun this week with it! Take a peek at what we did!
Cat Hat
We needed a quick cat hat for our first activity. So I drew
the shape, and asked Honey Pot to color in the red stripes. I asked her to try
to stay in the lines. And I think she did an excellent job, as this isn’t
something we do too often!
And here is the page we are going to copy:
Cat in the Hat Picture Pose
I saw this very unique idea on Adventures at home with Mum,
a blog I stumbled upon via Google. I just loved it! First we looked at the pose
we were to imitate, and I asked Honey Pot which things we needed to gather.
Then she set them out on a blanket.
We improvised a little bit with some things. There's just a cake plate instead of a cake, and there's an umbrella pole instead of a rake, for example. But here is the final picture!
This wasn't easy to do with a 2 1/2 year old...especially with a clingy 11 month old messing up the blanket all the time. But I think it came out pretty awesome! So much fun!
Thing 1 Magnet Page
This printable comes from Making Learning Fun. Honey Pot
loves playing with our homemade pom pom magnets.
Hat Matching
Joyfully Weary provides the free printable for this game. It
seemed like it would be a little overwhelming for Honey Pot at her current age,
so I only used 12 of the 20 images. Then I pasted them onto a bright blue
Honey Pot picked up an image, and looked at it closely.
Then she searched hard for where it belonged!
She was very proud of herself when she found each match.
Here she is counting the stripes on the hat, so she knows
what to look for.
I did it!
Rhyming Game
I gathered a few toys, with names that rhyme, and set them
out on the table. Then I picked the first one, and asked her which of the
remaining objects rhymes. She needed a bit of help getting started with this,
but overall I was pretty impressed.
Book + Hook!
What rhymes with bread? Bed!
Cat + Hat.
Fish + Dish.
Car + Star.
House + Mouse.
Chair + Pear.
She had fun with this, even though it was a challenge. Great
rhyming practice!
Thing 1 Thing 2 Blow Painting
We have wanted to try blow painting. And I thought Thing 1
and Thing 2 would be just perfect for our first effort! First I found a picture
of them via Google, and erased the blue hair in Photoshop Elements.
Then I put a dab of watered down blue paint onto just the
tips of their heads, and provided Honey Pot with a straw. I showed her how to
start, by blowing Thing 1’s hair. Then she began to create Thing 2’s hair.
Here is our first effort!
Then we added more paint because it was so much fun. Wacky
hairdo’s! Loved this craft!
Cat Hat Smoothie
I found the idea and recipe for this on Crazy for Crust. I’m
not the best at layering things likes this. (Remember the cloud theme? Huge
challenge for me!) But here it is! I also discovered a cat hat in my closet
while cleaning this week, and gave it to Honey Pot. No idea where this even
came from!
She enjoyed the smoothie! And so did I!
Check out what we did last year to celebrate Dr. Seuss’
birthday, by clicking HERE!
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We are linking our activities up to the Virtual Book Club!
Check out what some of our blogging friends did with this month's theme: