Thursday, September 10, 2020

X is for Xylophone!

Today we did some xylophone activities to learn about the letter X and make some music. Keep scrolling to see what we did, or click on one of the links below to revisit similar themes from the past.

Music - 2012

Forming the Letter
Instead of worksheets today I provided Sweet E with various materials, and invited her to create an X out of each one.

Sometimes she had them straightened out, like a cross or lowercase t, so we practiced making lots of X's! We used gems, craft sticks, playdoh, stickers, pipe cleaners, and a stamp!

Create a Pattern + Play a Song
I printed out an empty music staff, and provided Sweet E with her xylophone and pom poms to match each color on it.

Then I created a pattern (ABC ABC) for her to play!

Then she wanted to do all the notes. So she named each color as she played each one.

Finally she was ready to build her own pattern and song! AB AB was first.

Then I created a nice major chord with an ABCD ABCD pattern.

We had fun making lots of variations. Here's an ABBC ABBC pattern she made.

And then she placed random pom poms, which turned out to be nice songs too!

Build a Xylophone - Smallest to Largest
We compared sizes again today, by building a xylophone out of paper strips.

I asked her which piece was the smallest, and showed her how to place it on the xylophone. Then we continued looking for the smallest until there were none left.

Then she glued each piece onto the paper.

Love it!

Connect-the-Dots - Music Notes
For a final quick activity I made a connect-the-dots out of music notes. She needed to connect each by color.

She did a terrific job!